The film critics said that there were so many hopes on this movie since it will roll out from Gautam Menon's factory. Nani is playing the lead role in YVM and Tamil version of this film will be released simultaneously. While Samanta will appear in female lead in both the versions, Nani would be replaced by Jeeva in Tamil. The sources said that shoot of the movie was in full swing and most likely YVM would be released in October.
Will YVM put Samantha in limelight again!
The film critics said that there were so many hopes on this movie since it will roll out from Gautam Menon's factory. Nani is playing the lead role in YVM and Tamil version of this film will be released simultaneously. While Samanta will appear in female lead in both the versions, Nani would be replaced by Jeeva in Tamil. The sources said that shoot of the movie was in full swing and most likely YVM would be released in October.