The principal shooting of Nani, Samantha starrer Yeto Vellipoyindhi Manasu was wrapped up earlier today. Gautham Menon has directed the film and C Kalyan is producing the Telugu version on Teja Cinema banner. Recently, a song was canned on Nani and Samantha in Chennai soon after Nani joined the film’s sets after his wedding. “Yvm shoot finished early in the morning today ..what a journey it was .. Varun and nithya are going to come alive in a month Get ready to watch your love story on the big screen next month ,” Nani posted on Twitter. Ilayaraja’s music has already become a big hit and M S Prabhu is the cinematographer. Gautham Menon has simultaneously shot the film in Telugu and Tamil. Both these versions are expected to release on December 14.
Yeto Vellipoyindi Manasu Shooting Completed
The principal shooting of Nani, Samantha starrer Yeto Vellipoyindhi Manasu was wrapped up earlier today. Gautham Menon has directed the film and C Kalyan is producing the Telugu version on Teja Cinema banner. Recently, a song was canned on Nani and Samantha in Chennai soon after Nani joined the film’s sets after his wedding. “Yvm shoot finished early in the morning today ..what a journey it was .. Varun and nithya are going to come alive in a month Get ready to watch your love story on the big screen next month ,” Nani posted on Twitter. Ilayaraja’s music has already become a big hit and M S Prabhu is the cinematographer. Gautham Menon has simultaneously shot the film in Telugu and Tamil. Both these versions are expected to release on December 14.