If you are looking to earn from home I should tell you about my experience, Being a housewife and mother, doing the job was very tough for me. Another side, I am a passionate, creative, self-motivated person. This circumstance allows me to something from home. I know, It was very tough for me to do anything while handling my home. But I did not give up.
I planned to start my online business from home. Still, I was nil because I did not know how and where to start it. Digital Marketing or Internet Marketing was the only option to start it. I was searching to learn it from home. Then I found a platform, where I can learn Digital Marketing at a very cheap price.
I enrolled for 60 days course by registering it for Rs 101 and then decided to keep learning because I had started to earn from home. I was also earning while learning Digital Marketing to implement it in my online business.
If you want to take it for the long term then I will prefer this program.
I tried a lot of part-time or other online work to work from home like SMS sending, clicking the website, email sending, online typing work and let me tell you I never made any money in those kinds of online work. Not a single penny.
I believe in one thing that Earning you need to learn first. I am keen towards learning new things.
Today, I am an Official Partner and Entrepreneur, who works from home.
If you found this helpful and you want to earn from home like me. Drop me a message.
Thanks and All the best!